AKO – Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V.
Legal Form:
The association was founded on July 24, 1987, for an indefinite period.
Registration in the Register of Associations:
The association was entered into the Register of Associations in Traunstein on September 25, 1987, under number VR 570.
Rosenheimerstr. 20, 83278 Traunstein
Association Bylaws:
Most recent valid version dated June 30, 2022.
Exemption Certificate:
Issued by the Traunstein Tax Office, tax number 163/107/00146, on April 4, 2022.
The objectives include implementing humanitarian development projects in Tanzania, particularly in healthcare, education, basic services, and infrastructure. The association differentiates between board-initiated projects, member projects, and partnership projects. All projects must be submitted to the board for review, assessed for public benefit status, and approved for implementation, with monitoring and accounting assured by the board.
Fiscal Year:
January 1 to December 31
The association has approximately 600 voting members. The General Assembly is responsible for overseeing the board’s work, reviewing the board’s report and annual financial statements, electing auditors, deciding on amendments to the bylaws, and setting the annual membership fee. It votes on the discharge of the board. The board members are elected by the General Assembly every three years.
Legal Board Members:
Chair: Dieter Jaenicke, Dresden
Board Member: Andreas Neumaier, Traunstein
Board Member: Achiem Miertsch, Eckenförde
Project Leaders:
Project leaders are appointed by the legal board. They do not represent the association externally, except in matters relating to their specific projects.
All board members and project leaders work on a voluntary basis and cover their own travel expenses.
Supervisory Body:
The General Assembly serves as the supervisory body.
Funding sources include private donations, contributions from Rotary and Lions Clubs, private foundations, and support from the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ).
Mr. Dieter Pape, Consultax GmbH StbG, Traunstein.
DZI Donation Seal:
For many years, the association has been awarded the donation seal by the German Central Institute for Social Issues, Berlin.
The Board:
Traunstein, October 31, 2024
Achiem Miertsch, Andreas Neumaier, Dieter Jaenicke