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We mourn the loss of Adolf Rudolf

As a committed member of our Association, Adolf Rudolf was one of the key persons in Tanzania, who laid the foundation for the development of the Kibosho Hospital into a modern hospital in the Kilimanjaro region, thus enabling a significant improvement in healthcare for more than 10,000 people in the region. For more than two decades, he worked as a site manager who constructed functional buildings for the hospital and other basic and most needed infrastructures . A water supply for the upper Singa ward and the Hospital as well as a high-valley bridge crossing the Karanga river, made life much easier for many people. With expertise, patience and carefully adapting to the conditions of the country, he passed his professional knowledge and experience to many local workers and partners. For this he was held in high esteem by the people of the region. It is the Association’s concern and obligation to continue the work in his spirit. We are mourning with his family and friends.

The board of Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V. AKO