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Dispensary Mbosho 199e

Update November 2018

Although the Dispensary in Mbosho has a good occupancy rate, it still needs the support of the sponsor Barbara Wohanka.

Update May 2017

Karibu, Barbara! – Happy from the Dispensary Mbosho

In May, the first baby was born in the new mother-child ward of the Mbosho Dispensary, and the Dispensary’ s first delivery went without a hitch. Mother and child are doing well. Incidentally, the little girl is called Barbara, after the main sponsor of the infirmary, Barbara Wohanka.

With the support of AKO-Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V., Mbosho’s dispensary provides basic medical care for the village population and neighbouring communities. The nearest hospitals can be reached by either a two- or three-hour walk or by motorbike taxi. The travel costs usually exceed the families’ budget. The waiting times are long. Often no medication is available. The dispensaries therefore play an important role in basic medical care.

 The quality of the service depends on the training, motivation and initiative of the staff and is therefore very variable. However, the dispensary team in Mbosho is highly qualified and motivated.It consists of a daktari ( doctor), two nurses and a laboratory assistant. In addition, the dispensary includes a mother and child unit. The buildings were constructed by sponsors of AKO-Aktionskreis Ostafrika e.V The basic equipment and medical devices were provided by the parish, the diocese, the AKO and the district administration and sponsors. The ongoing operation of the dispensary is supported by donations. The outdoor area of the dispensary was recently redesigned to provide barrier-free access.

Situation in May 2016

Fairly large clinic in neglected, remote area of Mbosho, supervised by specially trained and qualified staff and a licensed physician; one of 18 clinics supervised by Kibosho Hospital. 2001: Construction began of a new building and in 2014 the old dilapidated dispensary was demolished. From 2014 the facility was in partial operation and a laboratory was completed. The completed building opened in 2016 with several sick rooms, examination rooms, offices, toilets and a fully equipped laboratory; construction costs approx. 45,000 €; financing by Wohanka, Obermaier & Kollegen, Rotary Club Vilsbiburg and Barbara Wohanka; basic equipment: patient couches and beds by AKO. Daily operation is ensured by Kibosho Hospital and the local parish.


Extensive hospital and childbirth center in Mbosho, poor infrastructure, remote area, qualified nurses and laboratory staff  and a certified physician; supervised by the Hai District Hospital. 2001 start of construction of new building and in 2014 demolition of old ruinous dispensary, since 2014 in partial operation; completion of a laboratory. Opening of the complete building 2016 with several sick rooms, examination rooms, office, toilets, mother-child station and fully equipped laboratory, construction costs approx. € 60,000; funding by Wohanka, Obermaier & Kollegen, Rotary Club Vilsbiburg and Barbara Wohanka, basic equipment: sickbeds, beds by AKO. Daily operation is ensured by the Hai District Hospital, Barbara Wohanka and local parish

Nov 2018
Karibu Barbara
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